Sunny Side Up

Aaaaw, sunshine! Always brings out the best in me. Especially those first few days and weeks when it feels like spring after a long winter (even if that winter has been exceptionally mild), and before anyone starts moaning about how it’s too hot. In case you’re not in the UK, the weather is glorious at the moment and I am relishing every minute, alongside millions of other Brits (and those of us just living here).

And the whole good mood thing isn’t just in my head either. I think we’re all pretty familiar with research into the positive effects of sunlight on our psyche, boosts in our Vitamin D production and all that. No wonder all those Mediterranean people are so damn happy! Well, that and wine at lunchtime. Not to mention siestas.

One of the best things about leaving the colder months behind is a welcome change in wardrobe. I am always insanely happy to ditch the woollies, even though I adore my cashmeres. And whilst I love my boots, they’ve earned a well deserved rest at the back of the wardrobe, or some other distant place that will be instantaneously forgotten and have me searching high and low when it’s time for their seasonal reappearance. I’m ready for a summer wardrobe of floating dresses, shorts and flip flops. Not to mention shades. Shades are the quintessential summer accessory. Preferably big with a fancy logo (guess I’m a bit of a snob).

And the warmer months inevitably lend themselves to us shedding our inhibitions along with our winter layers. It’s easy to feel upbeat about life, dream big and maybe even pluck up the courage to act on those dreams.

It’s also the time for Brits to develop selective amnesia about last year’s lobster moments. I used to have a boss who inevitably got roasted on the first sunny day of the year, or his last day on hols, and would show up to the office peeling for a week. Never flattering. Aside from that, and the fact that he would frequently raid his staff’s chocolate stash, he’s one of the best people I’ve ever worked for. I digress. But honestly people, a little sunscreen goes a long way. 

And the perfect song to celebrate all this good stuff? My firm favourite remains Paolo Nutini’s Pencil Full of Lead. Go on, put it on. Turn up the volume. I dare you not to feel bouncy!


It’s springtime. Let your inner tigger out to play…


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